Sunday, May 12, 2013

#65 A Clockwork Orange (1971)

Let me start off by saying that I thought Silence of the Lambs would be the most shocking movie I would watch, but I was wrong. Although Silence of the Lambs is more twisted than this movie, this certainly is more shocking.
I can't help but look at these movies I am watching through a historical lense, and I would have to believe this must have been one of the most shocking movies to ever hit theaters. This movie was made in 1971, and it is the most shocking I have ever watched. A part of me is very unimpressed because to get a rise out of me just through shocking behavior rather than clever writing does not work for me. Then again, you have to look at this movie when it was released. This movie has probably had a profound influence on motion pictures, and broke through a barrier to allow other movies to do what they wanted. I can only imagine that this movie, which was widely received in America, would not have been too successful prior to the late 1960s.  The director even self-banned this movie in England (where he was from) because of all the noise this movie was creating. It was finally released after his death in 1999.
The movie's shocking features gave it an overall raw appearance, and sucked you into the movie to appreciate what the protagonist was going through. There is also a lot about trying to control the mind and how government is becoming too overbearing. That should be obvious for this time period as well. To me, I think the most interesting quote of the movie was,
Prison Chaplain: Choice! The boy has not a real choice, has he? Self-interest, the fear of physical pain drove him to that grotesque act of self-abasement. The insincerity was clear to be seen. He ceases to be a wrongdoer. He ceases also to be a creature capable of moral choice.
Minister: Padre, there are subtleties! We are not concerned with motives, with the higher ethics. We are concerned only with cutting down crime and with relieving the ghastly congestion in our prisons. He will be your true Christian, ready to turn the other cheek, ready to be crucified rather than crucify, sick to the heart at the thought of killing a fly. Reclamation! Joy before the angels of God! The point is that it works.
Although always doing the right thing may be nice, but without choice, can someone be moral? Someone can only truly be a good person, not by their actions, but by their choices. That is a solid message from this movie, and the government looking just to control people is no life at all. Life is the choices you make.
"My brothers."

Have you seen this movie? What did you think?
What movie should I watch next?
Follow +Andrew Gaudet's blog as we both watch our way to the top 250.

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