Friday, May 31, 2013

#102 Witness for the Prosecution (1957)

Sometimes when you watch so many good movies it is really hard to appreciate their goodness. Sometimes you need bad movies thrown in to remind you why these movies are so good. Well this movie definitely breaks the rules. This movie is easily going to shoot towards the top of my next ranking. This movie was so incredibly good! I usually say a movie it worth your time, but this is a movie you need to watch. I know I am biased because it is about law, but seriously, this is gold. This movie is done by Billy Wilder. This is someone whom I just came across while watching these movies. He has six movies on the top 250 (#88 Some Like It Hot, #32 Sunset Blvd., #57 Double Indemnity, #99 The Apartment, #207 Stalag 17, and of course #102 Witness for the Prosecution). I really liked Double Indemnity and this movie was an absolute treat, so I hope Stalag 17 and The Apartment are great too! Here is a copy of the full movie:
The lawyer in this movie had many great quotes but I guess I will only share one.
I am going to do something very unethical. I took your 
cigar but I am not going to take your case." -Sir Wilfrid

Have you seen this movie? What movie should I watch next?
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