Friday, May 10, 2013

#26 The Usual Suspects (1995)

I will always remember this as the movie that +Josh Blackman told me to watch. I think he rented it from some library and watched it. Anyways, he told me it was a great movie and it was worth watching. I never got around to it till today. Every time I heard the title, I knew I had to watch it. Who knew it would just take me a decade to do it. It is clever movie that will keep you guessing, and when you think you figured it out, you probably didn't. I will admit that I guessed luckily and right. Even when they tried to throw me off, I stuck with my guess! Anyways, it is worth your time, and deserves to be in the top 50.
Now two out of the last three movies I've watched starred Kevin Spacey! I think I just have two more with him (Se7en, L.A. Confidential).
I have really enjoyed watching all of these movies in rapid succession, but unfortunately school is calling me again. I should be able to pick up a lot more of these is one week.
"I just can't believe we're going to walk into certain death." -Verbal

Until then...
Have you seen this movie? What did you think?
What movie should I watch next?

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