Sunday, May 26, 2013

#222 IP Man (2008)

I never much cared for foreign films. I think it is because the feel of the movies is different, it is hard to appreciate the acting, and it just takes a lot of effort to read the subtitles. The only foreign film I truly loved was #112 Pan's Labyrinth, which you should watch. I decided to watch this movie because I wanted to copy Andrew. As I said earlier, I can't really tell if this movie was cheesy or well done when it comes to acting. The dialogue sure seemed rudimentary, but I will chalk it up to the translation. I get that people want to make a point with their movies, but the portrayal of the Japanese seemed to lack any sort of realism. They weren't even portrayed as realistic villains. This movie seemed like it was produced by jingoistic Chinese flamers. So much of the movie's build up, as far as I am concerned, fell on unappreciated ears. Maybe this is how we portray Nazis? The ending  (no spoilers unless you genuinely don't know who wins WWII) was priceless when the movie subtitles say that the Chinese were able to defeat the Japanese to an unconditional surrender. Somehow I don't think a Kung Fu chop destroyed Hiroshima. Then again maybe America isn't always so honest about Canadian accomplishments. Nevertheless, the movie has cool fight scenes, and if you are like Andrew and want to get that martial arts itch scratched, this would be a good movie. If you want a great storyline, I would look elsewhere.
"I'm just a Chinese man." -Master Ip

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