Thursday, March 20, 2014

#135 The Gold Rush (1925)

My dislike for Chaplin is well documented, (#43 Modern Times (1936), #39 City Lights (1931)#66 The Great Dictator (1940) and #124 The Kid (1921)) so I won't waste any more time with that. I will just confirm that this movie is just like the rest. Same characters, same story, same ending, different location. It's terrible. Poor guy gets rich and gets the woman. Why did people keep paying for this?
The only fun history is maybe that this takes place during a gold rush. Well, by this time, the gold rush was over by a couple decades. 
In case you haven't noticed, I am going to try, as much as possible, to go chronologically through the rest of the movies. I think it is important to being able to appreciate them. Now I can easily tell who came up with what first, and what really is original. The only exception to me going out of order will be if +Leslie Roskovich wants to watch something.

"I thought you was a chicken." -Big Jim McKay

Have you seen this movie? What movie should I watch next?
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