Saturday, June 1, 2013

#179 Twelve Monkeys (1995)

This is my second "12" based movie after #6 12 Angry Men. I think my favorite decade for film is the 90s. There are the most original ideas out of any. I wonder if there is a good reason for that. Moving on, this movie is one I need to watch again and I bet it would be better the second or third time it is watched. Bruce Willis may be known as an action star, he really puts together an interesting and solid performance in this very very unique film. Besides general time traveling, I have never seen anything quite like this movie before. I know I said that sci-fi movies become dated relatively quickly but with this movie there was so much more to it than just a dystopic future. There are layers upon layers in this movie. I don't want to say much more because I don't want to give away anything, but needless to say, this is a good one! It really makes you think and not just about the typical time traveling paradoxes. There is a lot more to it. I am also surprised that I didn't hear more about this when I was younger. Watch it.
"There's no right; there's no wrong; there's only popular opinion." -Jeffrey Goines

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#165 Dial M for Murder (1954)

I am still confused why so many movies weren't in color like this. Did it really cost that much more and people really didn't care about it? Did they think it would be some sort of fad? Were they made into color later? Regardless, this movie was quite good! This is another one of Alfred Hitchcock's movies (he has ten on the top 250 movie, which is far more than anyone else) and besides #30 Psycho, I think this is my favorite so far. It is more believable than #160 Notorious and #42 North by Northwest, which I why I think I like it more. Maybe it is because I don't like Alfred Hitchcock's love stories. This was just a really good movie all the way through!
"People don't commit murder on credit." -Tony

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#200 Rocky (1976)

How on earth did I not see this movie before? I've seen Rocky III before, but just never got around to seeing the first one. One thing I don't get is how someone should "retire" in the first movie, but then somehow they still have the ability to make four more movies. Also, the love story was terrible. She goes from awkward ugly girl who won't talk to pretty socially adjusted girl in like one scene. I can't help but feel that I already saw this movie because of all the parodies that I watched. His character feels like a stereotype, but I know that probably has more to do with everyone copying this movie. Still, this is a really good movie and it gets you pumped up to fight someone.
"Yo, Adrian." -Rocky

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